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Creating an image set with various shapes
- Authors
- tesar-tech
- strakka1
- magias

Script creates folder imgs_shapes
and subfolders with name of the shape. Shapes with different color, size and position are generated in those subploders. This image database will be used to train CNN for shapes classification.
numImgInClass = 10;%number of imgs in every class
imgSize= 227; %respect alexnet input size
Canvas = zeros(imgSize);
stepSize = 360 / 5; %angle for pentagons
angles1 = 0 : stepSize : 360; %angle for first pentagon
angles2 = stepSize/2 : stepSize : 360 + stepSize/2; %angle for second pentagon
mkdir('imgs_shapes');% create folders for shapes
for ii = 1:numImgInClass
%% create "random" circle
colorRnd = rand([1 3]);
radiusRnd = randi([10 80],1);
posRnd = randi([radiusRnd imgSize-radiusRnd],[1 2]);
RGBcircle = insertShape(Canvas,'FilledCircle',[posRnd radiusRnd],'color',colorRnd);
imwrite(RGBcircle,fullfile('imgs_shapes/circle',['circle_' num2str(ii,'%03i') '.jpg'] ))
%% create "random" rectangle
colorRnd = rand([1 3]);
heightHalfRnd = randi([10 80],1);
widthHalfRnd = randi([10 80],1);
posRnd = randi([1 imgSize-max(heightHalfRnd,widthHalfRnd)*2],[1 2]);
RGBsquare = insertShape(Canvas,'FilledRectangle',[posRnd heightHalfRnd*2 widthHalfRnd*2],'color',colorRnd);
imwrite(RGBsquare,fullfile('imgs_shapes/rectangle',['square_' num2str(ii,'%03i') '.jpg'] ))
%% create "random" triangle
%coordinates and angles must meet these conditions:
%angle size >15 and every side >66(because of too small or narrow triangles), minimal two "x" and "y" coordinates must be different
alpha=0; beta=0; gamma=0; sides=[1,1,1]; point=[0 0; 1 1];
while( rad2deg(alpha)<15 || beta<15 || gamma<15 || sum(sides(1,:)<66)>0 || numel(unique([point(1,1),point(2,1)]))==1 || numel(unique([point(1,2),point(2,2)]))==1 )
point=randi([40 190],[3 2]);
sides=sort(pdist(point,'euclidean')); %Euclidean distance between 2 points = side length
alpha=acos((sides(2).^2+sides(3).^2-sides(1).^2)/(2*sides(2) * sides(3))); %Law of Cosines -> alpha angle in radians
beta=rad2deg(asin((sides(2)/sides(1))*sin(alpha))); %Law of Sines -> beta angle in degrees
gamma=180-beta-(rad2deg(alpha)); % gamma angle
colorRnd = rand([1 3]);
RGBtriangle= insertShape(Canvas,'FilledPolygon',point_vector,'color',colorRnd);
imwrite(RGBtriangle,fullfile('imgs_shapes/triangle',['triangle_' num2str(ii,'%03i') '.jpg'] ))
%% Create stars
%Random size of both pentagons
r1 = randi([10 30],1);
r2 = randi([40 80],1);
%Generate coordinates for both pentagons
x1 = r1 * cosd(angles1);
y1 = r1 * sind(angles1);
x2 = r2 * cosd(angles2);
y2 = r2 * sind(angles2);
%Redraw coordinates of pivotal pentagons into a star shape polygon
x3 = reshape([x1;x2], 1, []);
y3 = reshape([y1;y2], 1, []);
%Move coordinates in the middle
x3 = x3+imgSize/2;
y3 = y3+imgSize/2;
% Random shift
x3 = x3+randi([-round(min(x3)) (imgSize - round(max(x3)))],1);
y3 = y3+randi([-round(min(y3)) (imgSize - round(max(y3)))],1);
% Redners mask of the 227x227 binary image from polygon coordinates into the star.
maskImage = poly2mask(x3, y3, imgSize, imgSize);
%Random rotation angle
angleRand=randi([0 360],1);
%Image rotation
rotateImg = imrotate(maskImage,angleRand,'crop');
%single channel whitestar
whiteImage = 255 * uint8(rotateImg);
%Radnom RGB channel generator
RRand=randi([0 255],1);
GRand=randi([0 255],1);
BRand=randi([0 255],1);
%Creates RGB image of the star with random color
RGB = cat(3, whiteImage-RRand, whiteImage-GRand, whiteImage-BRand);
imwrite(RGB,fullfile('imgs_shapes/star',['star_' num2str(ii,'%03i') '.jpg'] ))
disp(['creating img db: ' num2str(ii/numImgInClass*100,'%.2f') ' %'])
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